That goes from the joes on the line to the CSM (Command Sergeant Major). If you learn your job, news will travel fast and you will get the respect of guys in your unit. You network a lot being a 42A, whether it’s in your own battalion or around your brigade. In answer to a question from a future enlistee considering 42A, one 42A said this “You will be at your desk for majority of your time. Sergeant Isabel Giron, a 42A at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center, Hohenfels, Germany HR Specialists know more about assignments, advanced schools, and promotions than any other soldier, because that is their job, from battalion to the Human Resource Command at Fort Knox, Kentucky, where there are a gazillion HR Specialists determining all soldiers’ assignments. Every personnel action that affects a soldier is handled by a Human Resource Specialist, including awards, promotions, schools, and assignments. Promotions are in line with most support jobs, and they are the ultimate POG’s (Person Other than Grunt), but they do get a lot of satisfaction in performing their work, because their job is taking care of soldiers. If they are airborne they will probably jump once every three months, to keep up jump pay. If they deploy they rarely go outside the wire, because their job is behind a desk and a computer. If they go to the field whether they are in a tent or a mobile shelter, they are behind a desk and a computer. They qualify with their rifle, go through the gas chamber, and take a PT test once a year, and they do PT (Physical Training) every weekday morning just like every other soldier, but their working day is behind that desk and computer. If you can’t stand being inside all the time, this is not your job. If you want to do a lot of shooting, blowing up things, and kicking down doors, this is not your job. The top rated job in the Army, by people doing it was Human Resource Specialist, 42A’s gave their job a 4.3 out of five rating.

In 2015, Glassdoor surveyed soldiers to have them rate their jobs. The big jobs website “Glassdoor” has workers rate companies on a scale of 1 to 10, and they have workers rate how they like their job on a scale of 1 to 5. It is a solid desk job, and is continually rated high by the people doing it. It is physically one of the easiest jobs in the Army. The most “in the know” job in the Army is Human Resource Specialist, MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) 42A in the Adjutant Generals Corps.